Michelle Lunsford advocate for the “Hands Free Alabama” bill!

Michelle Lunsford’s life changed forever on 2/22/18. Her only child, Camryn “Cici” Callaway, was killed on her way home from work when, distracted by her phone, ran underneath the back side of an 18 wheeler. She was just 26 days away from her 18th birthday and 3 months to the day of graduation.
Since that day, Michelle has been on a mission to bring awareness to the life and death consequences of distracted driving. She has spoken to schools, churches, radio stations, news reporters, trauma prevention programs, a teen driving workshop and teen driver summits, anyone who is willing to listen. She is also a National Safety Council advocate working for the “Road to Zero” mission to eliminate roadway deaths over the next 30 years.

Currently, Michelle’s goal is to advocate for the “Hands Free Alabama” bill that will be at the capital in March 2019. She continues to encourage responsible driving habits that include going hands free and using a DO NOT DISTURB app (DRIVE SAFE for androids) while driving, using the Life 360 app for monitoring your teenagers driving habits as well as parents and teens committing to holding each other accountable for driving safely while behind the wheel.

Michelle Lunsford Interview for Teens Against distracted Driving

Alternative Link: https://youtu.be/T7V7urZ5qQg